15 October 2010

Alleppey Backwaters

10/10/10 (International Cowboy Day)  Paddled a canoe into the backwaters and villages around Alleppey.

Our Boatman (competes in the boat race in August for his village in the 101 strong canoe team)

 We paddled too

Lotus Flower

Herding ducks for Christmas!

Stopped for a Toddy in a Toddy Shack.  Palm beer, 5%, tastes a bit like rank, home brew wheat beer.

John got to swim, Grace didn't cause she's a girl errrrrrrrrrrgh.

We were invited to eat at Boatman's house.  The most chilis ever in one meal, and lil' teeny weeny fishes. Fire!


  1. Not sure about the Toddy and the chillies but the place looks ab fab!

  2. holy cow that's a lot of ducks!
