18 November 2010

Tad Sae and Kuang Si

17/11/10  Hired a motorbike to avoid being bundled by tour companies and explore these two amazing waterfalls.  They were amazing! Never seen anything like it.

Kuang Si.  Sweet natural swimming pools (and a rope swing :)

Kuang Si.  The main event up stream.

Tad Sae.  Ventured up stream and found our own secret lagoon :)  Dared each other to swim "but are there snakes in there?!" Still blown away by this photo :)

Tad Sae. Grace stole this idea from a German couple in Sri Lanka.  Hair commercial or what!

Easy Rider.  Sweet little Susuki, with gears and everything, even pulled a wheely. Headed home with the sun on our backs through mountains, rice paddies and villages.


  1. These waterfalls are fantastic as you say. Very impressed with the hair commercial. What happened to your hair John??

  2. Nice bike. Pearlescent blue finish.

  3. Fat bum rather than a hair commercial :-)
