02 February 2011

Carretera Austral

26/01/11 There's a section in southern Chile that has no roads.  The country gets too narrow and it's all water and mountains.  To reach the more southern parts you have to first cross into Argentina.  The Carretera Austral is the last road before this impassible area, and we travelled to the end of it, to the last remote town, Villa O´Higgins.  The road became a dusty track and the scenery was spectacular.  Unsuprisingly its a popular cyclo-tourist route, what a place to ride!

You shall not pass. Patagoniacat

Seen this style a few times.

Past illuminous blue green rivers.

1 comment:

  1. It certainly looks spectacular and the cat looks fearsome! Can't imagine getting to the end of the road but I expect we will don in Scotland in April!
