03 April 2011


28/03/11 We loved staying in Cusco and wondering around.  Full of little winding streets, all Spanish Colonial mixed with old Inca Capital.

Plaza De Armas and the suburbs on the hills.

Lady and Baby.  We had to pay a few Soles for this one.

Stone of the12 angels.  Cusco, the old Inca capital, still has a lot of original building work.  This one shows off their maisonary skills. Its over a meter square in size, 12 sides in total and all stones in the wall fit perfectly with literally no gaps.

Calle Loreto.

Hostel Inca '5 stars without the stars'.  It´s funny, as you walk up hills, rooms get cheaper, and you end up with old farmhouse style buildings and amazing views :)

1 comment:

  1. This does look really nice I think I would like to visit here. I've read about these stones in the National Geographic - amazing
