11 March 2011


07/03/11 This is it, the iconic Rio Carnival Parade. But there's a little more to it than that. Its a competition for all the Samba Schools in Rio, performed in a purpose built strip with stadium seating (which apparently is used for other sporting events?!! ideas on a postcard please).

We were in the grandstand, sector 3. Uncovered concrete steps. So when it rained, we got wet. And towards the end, we took small naps on the steps in between schools. But we partied for the whole 12 sambatastic hours!

Immense Amazonian style women, wearing very little. And shaking it! Whoop!

The parade isnt just Samba, there was tap dancers, gymnasts, roller bladers and trapeze! You gotta love a little Musical Theatre stuff n all that Jazz ;)

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

This float was 2 stories high!
Note the surgercally inhanced woman in the hand. That just aint real!!! Apparently curves are so big in Brasil that women have implants to look like that. Weirrrd.

All the floats bounced from the dancers. But this one was ridiculous!

Whoop Rio!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Looks well worth the long detour and your parents worrying for a week!! An amazing spectacle and you look to have found the right place to view it. Fabulous.
